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After the outcry for racial justice from the LGBTQ+ community, and the resignation of more than 80% of Boston Pride’s volunteer work force, Boston Pride now threatens legal action. Boston Pride has issued a cease and desist letter to Boston Pride for the People and to a related organization, Boston Black Pride, accusing both groups of allegedly violating the “Boston Pride'' service mark. In the letter, Boston Pride also claims to own “Boston Black Pride”. - Click Here to View the Letter emailed to us By Linda DeMarco


Instead of engaging in meaningful dialogue with the community and other grassroot organizations, the frivolity of a legal threat not only misses the bigger picture but refuses to confront it. Their egregious claim to own “Black Pride” ironically comes from a six-person board without any members who identify as Black. No organization owns PRIDE, it’s a movement.​

Boston Pride has neglected QTBIPOC community for decades. It’s a clear failure of leadership and the time has come for real change. After three years of struggling with white-centeredness, microaggressions, and under-resourcing, the former chair of Black Pride, Casey Dooley, has decided to take Black Pride back to the community. Our community has had enough of a white-centered pride.  Pride belongs to the community, and Black Pride belongs to the Black LGBTQ+ community, not the six people who are holding it hostage.



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